To guarantee the quality of our services, we rely on partnerships with some entities such as:
- FFF HEALTHCARE - International Healthcare Recruitment & Staffing Solutions, Traço de União Group, which cooperates as for Health Outsourcing;
- ESPAÇO ESSÊNCIAS Day SPA e Terapias, Traço de União Group, which operates with Preventive Health and Well-being, providing help catering to special conditions and giving personalised service to clients of the Home Care Service and their families;
- PORTUGUESE RED CROSS, with whom we signed a mutual cooperation and technical support protocol along with a Remote Assistance partnership.
- ASSOCIAÇÃO DE APOIO SOCIAL NOSSA SENHORA DAS NEVES DE MANIQUE DE BAIXO, Charity with 700 members, operating through the following organizations: Universidade Sénior de Manique-Cascais (USM/RUTIS), Social Centre, Choir, Theatre and Folklore Dance Group, with whom we signed a mutual cooperation and technical support protocol covering members and their families.
- CARDIOTESTE, Clínica Cardiológica, Lda, aiming at the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. They are equipped with modern technologies and trained medical staff, in order to address all kinds of needs in Cardiology, Paediatric Cardiology, Angiology and Vascular Surgery. A mutual cooperation and technical support protocol and partnership was signed to perform Cardiology Exams (Electrocardiogram, Echocardiogram and Doppler Echocardiogram, Holter and MAPA).
- SMP - Serviço Médico Permanente - Permanent service of urgent home consultations and visits;
- EUROP ASSISTANCE, Serviços de Assistência Personalizados, Lda, with whom we signed a mutual cooperation and technical support protocol and partnership was signed regarding the provision of home care services;
- FÁTIMA PARK & VILLA MÁRYAH, Residências para Idosos, (Senior Housing) with whom we signed a mutual cooperation and technical support protocol and partnership was signed to ensure complementary service.